CurdBee Update : Invoice Activity, Paper Size Settings & System Preferences
Today, being Vap Poya day, is a public holiday in Sri Lanka and we’re busy rolling out yet another CurdBee update as usual. In this iteration of the Bee, we have introduced a new activity block to all invoices and estimates, and several other enhancements have been made as well. Here is a brief run down of the changes.
- Over the past few months, several users asked about the possibility of finding out when exactly some invoice was sent to or viewed by the client. Though we had a recent activity feed on the dashboard, that was not adequate to track a single invoice in detail (especially if you’re a heavy CurdBee user). So now, we have introduced a history block in every invoice. Also, in a move that we hope will increase the usability of the process, each activity now will be tracked with the date and time relative to your business’ local timezone. You can set the Time Zone and a Time Format for your business under Settings > System Preferences.
- Also, with the addition of several new fields, we thought that System Preferences was long overdue for a facelift. If you compare the new screen to its predecessor, you will notice that it’s now less cluttered.
Our old System Preferences interface…
Recently saw a (UX) stylist.
- Let’s face it – printing invoices is something a lot of us do. Yes, even those of us who claim to run a paperless office. Thus, when you kept asking for printing options, we just felt we had to deliver. With this update you can now set the paper size in CurdBee, and have your clients print your invoices and estimates automagically on the size of paper you specify – A4, US legal, or US letter sized.
- The Invoice and Estimate Default Notes fields have been removed from Settings -> System Preferences. Instead, setting default notes for invoices and estimates can now be done from the the Create New Invoice/Estimate sections itself. We find this more intuitive, and hope you do too!
Well, that’s the update for you. We had a lot of fun bringing you these minor features, and as always we can’t wait to hear what think of them. Tweet at us or mail us if you’ve got anything to say. Happy invoicing!