Get Paid Faster with the Free Invoice Generator from Hiveage
Not every business can afford—or perhaps even need—a dedicated invoicing service. If you generate invoices only occasionally, or if you simply want to save time and money on administrative work like invoicing, creating your invoices by hand (with, say, word processing software) might not be a bad idea after all.
Or there’s an even better option: simply use our free invoice generator!
This new tool by Hiveage makes most of the invoice-specific features of our popular invoicing software freely accessible online. You don’t have to sign up for an account or add any data for reuse: just type in the information each time you want to create an invoice and it will prepare an elegant PDF file complete with your branding.
Our goal in designing the free invoice generator was for it to be the ideal tool for freelancers and small business owners who are just starting out. Usually new businesses have a low volume of invoicing, and it makes more sense to hustle your way through those early days using tools and services that are accessible at low or no cost. When there’s too much sales and information to keep track of manually, you can switch to an efficient invoicing service like Hiveage.

Using the Free Invoice Generator
Creating invoices with our free tool is simply a matter of typing the correct information into the relevant form fields. The following is a brief description of each of the most important fields:
Your Business Logo
An invoice does not necessarily have to carry your branding, but it certainly makes a lot of sense to add it. Your logo on the invoice is an opportunity to strengthen your brand in the mind of your customer.
Contact Information
The invoices you send must carry your business name and contact details (in the From field), and your customers details (in the To field). These are essential elements in an invoice that are used in accounting and tax filings.
Invoice Number
Every invoice sent by a vendor should have a unique number. The easiest way to do this is to have a single invoice numbering format, and increment the number per each invoice you generate. In fact, in some jurisdictions, a sequential invoice number is required by law. The easiest approach is to simply start with one (1) and work up from there. However, it is common to have a prefix (e.g.: INV-001) or a bigger starting number (e.g.: 1001).
Invoice Date and Due Date
The invoice should specify when it was sent, and when the payment is expected. In most cases, a due date of 14 days or fewer yields best results.
Line Items
This is where the money happens. You should include a sufficiently detailed listing of the products or services you are billing the client for in your invoice. These details are organized as line items, specifying the product/service, amount, rate (per item) and the total amount to be paid for that particular item.
The free invoice generator—just like Hiveage—supports four types of line items:
- Item, as the name implies, is the most common line item type. Here, you simply mention the goods or services, their quantities and the rate. The amount will then be automatically calculated for you.
- The Expense line item type can be used when you’re billing the client for a straightforward expense where there’s no need to mention the quantity or rate: simply type in the description and amount.
- With the Mileage line item type, you can set a per mile or kilometer rate. The free invoice generator will then calculate the amount based on the distance and rate.
- Use the Time line item type to bill for your time: mention the task in the description field, enter the time you have spent on this task in HH:MM format in the quantity field, and set an hourly rate.
For all these line item types in our invoice template, you can include a date (e.g.: the date worked on a task), and links (e.g.: a web URL where the work is available for view).
Free and Premium Invoicing with Hiveage
The free invoice generator is our way of helping budding entrepreneurs with their administrative work related to getting paid.
For the growing and mature businesses, our online invoicing software offers an easy-to-use, elegant and efficient way to send invoices and estimates, accept online payments, manage recurring and subscription billing, view detailed financial reports and much more.
Visit to learn more about how we can help you get paid faster.