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Tag Archives: Technology

Elasticsearch for Hiveage

How We Use Elasticsearch for Hiveage


Millions of entries are made on Hiveage every day. Without a robust search feature, our customers would find it very difficult to sort and filter their financial data. Here, we share details on how we improved Hiveage’s search features to be faster, more efficient and more powerful using Elasticsearch.

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Growing plant

Working at an Early-Stage Startup in Sri Lanka


All the first employees of our new venture Vgo came from corporate backgrounds. None of them had worked at a startup before. The entire Vesess team, on the other hand, had never worked at anything other than a startup: for every one of us, Vesess has been the first and only place of work. There was clearly a culture gap to be bridged.

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Fiber optic cables

Warrantless Wiretapping Legal in Sri Lanka


If you are being investigated for a “computer crime” in Sri Lanka, a police officer can—without a warrant, at his discretion—seize your computer data and intercept and collect your communications (“wiretap”). There is no specific authority to authorise or oversee such wiretaps beyond the investigating police officer. While the technical details about wiretaps might be murky, the law itself is quite clear: all of this appears in the Computer Crime Act, No. 24 of 2007.

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